Corona Idea: Guest Registration via QR Code

When necessity becomes a virtue.

Highlights // Lilli Ahner-Wetzel // Jul 16, 2020

Stilisierte Mann, welcher mit seinem Handy einen QR-Code scannt
Stilisiertes Bild von einem Pärchen und einem Mann, der mit seinem Handy einen QR-Code scannt
Zwei Frauen, wovon eine ein Handy hält auf dem eine gültige Log2Stay Reservierung ist

Our project company Neo Analytics has developed a web app that helps restaurants, cafés and other businesses to successfully meet the challenges of the corona pandemic. In mid-May, at the time of the first loosening of the general decrees of the federal states, shops and gastronomic establishments were allowed to reopen under strict conditions. In addition to extensive hygiene measures, registration of the contact details of all customers, guests and visitors was and still is mandatory or at least recommended.

To simplify this data collection, our colleagues have developed "log2stay". With "log2stay" end customers of a company get the possibility to store the necessary data by scanning a QR code with their own smartphone - contactless, simple and secure.

Since the app's release, several hundred branches of companies from all over Germany have been registered - among them bakeries, restaurants, hospitals, kindergartens and more.

At the beginning of July we had the honour to present our app to Hamburg's Senator for Economics Michael Westhagemann and to announce our idea in the Hamburg press. We were published in the Hamburger Abendblatt, in the Hamburger Morgenpost and also in a video report of the Norddeutscher Rundfunk.

In the series "Hamburg Morgen" we were allowed to tell about our idea and work.

Follow this link to the origial video (German).